So what does coaching look like, and why would you choose to invest in a coach?
Exploring, Taking action, moving forward
In coaching, I approach all people knowing that we are whole, resourceful and creative, Rather than employing a diagnostic model in which the problem is the focus, we focus on the solution
One of the main themes centers around the importance of self-knowledge and having a plan. Coaching gives clients the chance to plan ahead for some of the most important decisions they’ll face. Coaching may center on helping you through a particularly rough emotional patch, fostering teens social skills or encouraging them to focus on identifying passions and goals.
With coaching, right from the minute you walk in the door, the agenda is yours, not mine. We will work on what is working right now, what is not working right now, and [we] create strategies for moving them forward. If we know our true story we can learn how to bring that passion forward.
How can coaching help my teen?

Understanding how to navigate the social and practical challenges of everyday life is important. Coaching is not meant to be an alternative to parenting, “However, teens are developmentally wired to pull away from their parents. And it is healthy for them to do so. Where, then, can they go to learn strategies that work for them if they are not talking to their parents, and the school counselor is not someone with whom they feel a connection?”
As they become teenagers, our kids may find themselves with work, relationships and activities to juggle without a real understanding of how to self-regulate, plan or problem-solve. Coaching provides an opportunity to build this resilience — or grow it from scratch if needed.
I am happily dedicated to helping teens become successful adults. The work fills me with joy and excitement. It’s clearly my passion. Studies show that passion stems from doing things that tap into your natural abilities while challenging you to deliver at the height of those powers. You can’t, as most believe, discover these things by thought alone. You must engage with the real world and unearth them as you move forward.
Every odd job or random opportunity is a stepping stone toward your ultimate calling. Over time the picture of your abilities and interests become clearer and clearer, eventually guiding you toward the work you love. You must start experiencing all that life has to offer, paying attention to the clues you find while you’re busy living.
Those clues will lead you to your passion, but it’s up to you to take those all important steps forward. I am here to help!